I recently achieved my NB Certification. I was one of 8,600 teachers to achieve this year. There are now over 91,000 teachers that have their certification. I was checking out the NB website and found some interesting data.
I was shocked at the fact that North Carolina has 2,277 teachers that have their NB certification. (Compared to New Hampshire with a total of 19) Until this year the state paid all fees for teachers during their first attempt. North Carolina also offers a 12% increase to teachers that achieve NB. I’m sure that is why their numbers are so high. This made me wonder how many states encourage their teachers to work towards their NB certification.
National Board is all about what it is we want our students to learn, how we teach it, and how do we know if our students GET IT.
Congrats to all the rest of you NBCT’s out there.