Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pumpkins, Spiders, and Bats . . . Oh, MY!!!

Well, this is actually just the Spiders and Bats part.   I wanted to go ahead and post this in case some of you needed ideas for next week! J
This week is our review week.  Every couple of themes we have a review week where we review what we have learned so far.  It usually comes right before report cards are due to the office so we are able to assess our student’s knowledge and skills.  Here is a look what we are doing in centers this week:
Chunky Monkey – Read the Hall
We decided instead of Read the Room we would do READ the HALL.  Might as well use all the space you can! This week the students are reading the words on pumpkins and putting them under the correct vowel sound.
Orange Pumpkins are 3 letter words with short vowels.
Green Pumpkins are for higher level students, longer words but still short vowels.


We put the words low on the ground so the students can sit on the ground instead of dragging their clipboard down the wall. ;)

This isn't the best picture, but you get the idea.  The students illustrate the words if they have time.

Word Wall – Review all Words
This week students are rolling a die and finding a word with that many letters.  If there isn’t a space or if they roll a six they roll again.

Vocabulary – Bat Part Words
Students read the Scholastic News about bats and then they label the parts of the bat by pulling out bat cards one by one.  (If you get Scholastic News at your school be sure to check out the videos that match it on the web!  They are GREAT!!)

Comprehension – Story Structure - Stellaluna
On Monday, I read Stellaluna to my students then each student had to create a story map that included that Characters, Setting, Problem, and Solution.  Sorry I forgot to take a picture.  We just folded a paper in half and half again to get the 4 parts and then they recorded each part in a different corner.
Comprehension – Noting Details – A House Spider’s Life
On Tuesday, I read A House Spider’s Life then I created a circle map of what we learned about spiders.  When I make circle maps I like to draw the picture in the middle.  I also like to teach my students how to draw.  I found this in Follow the Directions and Draw It All by Yourself.  The students then had to write 3 sentences about what they learned in the book.  When they finished they drew a spider.

Comprehension – Compare and Contrast – Spider and Bat
Today we read a nonfiction book about bats and created another circle map about bats.  The students then compared the two animals.

Comprehension – Fantasy and Realism - Spider and Bat
Tomorrow we review what we learned and then the students will read facts and decide if they are real or fantasy.   I don’t have any picture since we haven’t done this yet but you can download this activity here!

A                                       B   

Each student gets a bag that has all of the A cards, and one REAL Fantasy Strip from the B page.  They then sort the A cards under the correct heading.  I print 6 copies of page A all on different colors so they don't get mixed up!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Estimation

Here is a little Estimation Activity that I just uploaded to TPT if you are interested!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Short U - Bug Ideas

Last week we learned about short u, my students read our HM story a Surprise for Zig Bug.  So our centers had a short u and bug theme.   Our comprehension skill was Story Structure so the students took two days to complete this Story Map.  They found and completed the Who? and Where? on Day 1 and then the Problem? and the Solution on Day 2!

I've also changed the way I do centers, I'm sure that will be a blog post in the future.  In our Chunky Monkey station (Word Families) the students sorted these adorable Fun in the Sun short u words  thank you, you can get a copy HERE!

In Vocabulary, we learned about the parts of the bugs.  My students got to pick a bug to learn about and then they drew the bug and labeled the parts.  I found the Bugs Fact Sheets HERE!

In our pocket chart center we read a Interactive Poem about Bugs.  The students were able to change out the bugs names and what each bug could do.  Then to test their comprehension I had them practice writing the last sentence with a bug or two and what that bug can do.