I’m sorry I’m
behind on Teacher Week but I wanted to share some pictures of my room. . . . OR what I LOVE the most about my room!!
Many of you may have read I'm working at a year-round school now so I posted my Where I teach pictures awhile back but if you missed it you can read and check it out HERE!!
Here are a few more picture I wanted to share!
I call this my Sound Wall!!
I LOVED this! I put it up at the beginning of the year last year and each time a student asked me what says . . . I took them to the Sound Wall and showed them the sound. (Decorating Tip. . . back them on scrapbook paper. It makes them look much cuter! Thank Sarah Cooley for that tip.) I still need to find a place for it in my new room!! I found these pictures on Deanna Jump's site but she no longer has them there. However you CAN find something similar on Mrs. Lemon's Step into Second Grade HERE!
Here is a little room shot.
Here is a little room shot.
I LOVE my chair pockets. A parent made them for me YEARS
AGO!! I love them. GREAT INVESTMENT!! I love the different colors and I also
LOVE the carpet in my NEW classroom! It helps you teach at ANY spot!!
I LOVE this little plastic shelf for paper storage.
I filled the baskets (really
good stuff) with all the different types of writing paper and it is perfect
in my Work on Writing area!!
Listening to Reading area!
I'm loving my crate shelf center!! It's
the perfect place to hang up all those headphones!!
My carpet!!
Since my room is carpeted the school
won't purchase classroom carpets for us!! SO . . . I went in to the Dollar Tree
bought these carpet squares for $1 EACH and duct taped them together!! I don't
LOVE the colors but the $24 price I LOVE!! And it really helps each student
have their own space.
Think Aloud - Anchor Chart
We have been using this chart each day this week when
reading!! My students are REALLY learning from it!! I love when they shout out,
"That's a connection!" Or, "You are making a prediction!"
They also love the Personal Response and the Reflection. I think they are doing
great for week 5 of school!!
My ABC sentence strip to teach ABC Order!!
This is a must!! It really helps my students put the
cards in order!!
What do you love in your room?
Wow! I love your little details...the hand print benches..so cute and I really like that sound wall. What a neat idea, I may have to steal it ;)