Monday, March 18, 2013

Questions for Nonfiction and Fiction Retell - Spanish Questions too!!

We have been working on questioning for Nonfiction and Fiction Retell.  I created these posters to hang in my classroom.  After reading a story we practice answering the questions.  They are really starting to make some connections!  This helps our students prepare for mClass TRC retell. 
Nonfiction Questions
This chart also includes books levels that go with the questions.
Fiction Questions

Our ESL teacher even typed them up in Spanish so our ESL students could practice them at home!! J  You can download the ESL Questions here!
He also typed up the ESL questions to match this chart I used at the beginning of year!! I blogged about it HERE! Special thanks to Abby for sharing this poster a few years ago!!

 How do you practice questioning in your classroom?

Hope these freebies help you and your ESL students.

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