Monday, August 20, 2012

Teacher Week - Must-Have Monday! And Back to School ABC ORDER

Today was my first day back after break!!  My little firsties are getting SO SMART!!  We worked on our first ABC Order activity this year!  We put the words in order together on a pocket chart and then I recorded the words under the Document Camera (see below) with skinny markers (see below) :)  The students worked at the same time at their seats.  After I helped them with the words they tried to use two words in sentences!  Later in the year I like them to try to use two words in ONE sentence but since this was our first try I didn't push that part! 

I love this one: 

. . . and she even spelled my name right!!

How cute is this one! 
I can't quite translate the second sentence but the first one says, "I have birds in a cage" and gotta give her credit because that's what I see in the picture!  Even though that actually has nothing to do with school . . . because WE DON'T have a bird in a cage in our room!! HA!! :)

I did included two seperate lists in this pact so you can practice it a few times before putting it in a center.  You can check it out here!

Its teacher week today is Must-Have Monday!!  There are so MANY!!!    

Here are a few:  


Markers – I have them in all colors!  Skinny for checking papers and regular for charts!!


Chart Paper – I have to have lined paper when I write!!  I use this paper to create charts or to practice correct letter formation!!


Books – I have spent a lot of money on books!!  And I love reading them aloud to my students.


Document Camera – I LOVE this --- I love that I can put any sheet under the camera and enlarge it for everyone to see.


Scrappin Doodles – Clipart!!  I use it to make all of my units!!  It really helps the students learn vocabulary through pictures!

Link up here!!

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