Monday, March 26, 2012

Science Contributions- Inflectional Endings, Homophones - GIVEAWAY!

Do you love science? Do your students love to learn new things? My students do!! They have been loving all of the nonfiction texts we have been using units lately!! I'm also trying to prepare for Common Core and next year.  We will have to do a FULL six weeks on American Contributors. I thought we would start by learning about some famous inventors. 

I also created science themed centers to go along with this theme. Skills taught include: Science Vocabulary, Aviation Words, Inflectional Endings, Homophones, and MORE!
Here is a PEEK:
I checked out lots of Biographies about Inventors:
We started the week off learning about Benjamin Franklin!! My students LOVED it!! They recorded some facts in a Science Contributors Notebook!
Here is a picture of my anchor chart!  I forgot to take a picture of the student's notebooks! Sorry!
The students practiced some Science Vocabulary Words.

In Word Work or Phonics students practiced Inflectional Endings.  The students learned the double rule and that sometimes you have to drop an e BEFORE you add -ed or -ing. 

The students became word inventors by heating some potions and building a new word!!  They LOVED this activity!   


We also practiced matching homophones!

In this unit I also included a vocabulary activity where the students used aviation words to create an Airplane Adventure book.

Here is part of my sample:

The students practiced word wall words to write about what they would like to INVENT! 

I will giveaway THREE copies of this unit to the first THREE people to comment.  Be sure to leave your email so I can send you a copy!!


  1. Cute unit! Love those graphics!


  2. This looks wonderful.

  3. This looks great and will go with my last three stories in Reading Street.

  4. Oh my goodness!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your unit!!!! Awesome work:)

  5. Darn it! I missed it! Hopefully I'll win a copy from your FB page.
    Ed Link - First Grade

  6. Congrats girls!! I already sent them out!!

  7. Adorable! Love the graphics! Lisa

  8. Just what I'm teaching next week - when to double! I am also a first grade teacher in NC.
    Stop by my blog sometime.

  9. I really love the activity on reading about different inventors and compiling the information briefly. It is a fact that students learn so much by doing it themselves. I can hardly wait to try it in my classroom.
