Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Diggin' Up Some Soil

We are preparing for a Unit on Soil.   I’m trying to come up with some ideas . . .  I want to create a soil layer jar. 
I am also having each child bring in a Soil Sample from their back yard.  Once everyone brings there sample to school I’m going to have the student’s use magnifying glasses to exam the soil.  I created this sheet for the students to record their results.

I’m still deciding what else I want to do.
Does anyone else have any great ways they teach soil in their classroom? 


  1. One thing we do is compare how soil is different in different areas in the school. I take my kids out with packaging tape to get some samples. We get soil from a flower bed, soil from the playground, and anywhere else that looks a little different. To get a sample you take a piece of packaging tape and lay it in the soil. When we come back, we use another piece of tape to adhere the samples to a large butcher paper circle map. Then we talk about what we notice that is similar or different. Hope this helps!

    Colleen Patton
    Mrs. Patton’s Patch

  2. We did a lot of work with worms. We learned about how they helped to aerate the soil. I put them in a fish tank full of soil so we could see them make tunnels and we made compost to see if they could turn the soil into humus.

    The worms actually died(and stunk and I threw them away)...but don't tell my kids. I bought humus and covered the soil with it and we all clapped when we saw what the worms did!

    We also compared types of soil (sand, clay, humus, local soil). We tried to grow plants in each type of soil and charted their progress. Would you believe that our cucumber seeds actually grew in sand??

    Oh, and we mixed the soils with water in clear containers to see how long to would take the soil to settle.

    We did a kit through I-STEM. I hated it becasue it took soooo much time to prepare and too much time away from reading and writing, but we did do a LOT with soil.

  3. Oops, I forgot to add my blog!


  4. Mrs. Larremore has a great unit on Rocks and soil. Here's the link: http://larremoreteachertips.blogspot.com/2010/11/rocks-soil-water-recycling-and-day-and.html

    Ms. A
    Oceans of First Grade Fun

  5. One thing we did was to show how rocks break up to become soil/sand. We put a few small pebbles in a baby food jar with some water. Students took turns shaking the bottle. They were amazed to see all the sediment and the shrinking of the pebbles. My team actually did stations in the lab: We observed soil types, weighed soil types, did the baby food jar investigation and observed rocks of all kinds. I am adding some of the ideas I have seen here (and yours!) next year.

    Mrs. Saylor’s Log

  6. Love it! I always use those dinky vials that come in the FOSS kit, these mason jars are much easier to see. Thanks for the awesome recording sheet.

    The other day I noticed we were in the same county... I recognized a lot of the classroom materials, lol. Good to see a fellow CCS teacher in blog world.


  7. Check out FOSSweb for the module Pebbles, Sand, and Silt. Don't know if you're using a FOSS kit...but, this site might offer some ideas and activities.



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