Monday, September 24, 2012

Finding Common Core Objectives, Writing, and Apples

I’ve been working hard this year to match all of my favorite activities to the Common Core standards. I’ve come to love this iphone APP!! 

Some nights when I can’t sleep It’s perfect to look up a the standards.  I often take a screen shot of the page and then I can refer back to it later when planning.



I could go on. . . but I'm sure you get the idea!!

During the 1st quarter I noticed this common core standard:
(On a side note I realized that language is actually part of writing.  Writing is the CONTENT part and Language is the grammar, punctuation part!!  I might be the last one in the country to understand this but just in case I'm not,  I thought I would share that!! ;) 
Okay so back to this objective:  Notice the first circle L 1.4 that's the standard number and the second yellow circle is the actual objective that I'm talking about. 

I realized this fit in PERFECT with the animal cards from FARM unit!!

We used the animal cards and described each animal two ways!! My students loved it. However some of them didn't master the skill that first/ only time. So I created this Writing Language these who cards to practice that skill:
These are the who cards from the Build a Sentence activity below!!  So you can use the same cards for TWO objectives!

At the beginning of the year my students really struggled with writing several sentences on a topic.  This activities helped my students learn to use more detail in their writing.
 AND using COMPLETE SENTENCES!! The loved those mini sentences.  I see a cat.  Or I like the black cat. 
To help my students turn those sentences in to: The black cat was on the porch.  We have been using this activity:

I call it Build a Sentence, the students choose a who card, a position card, and a where card.  Then they put them together to build a sentence!! They LOVE the silly sentences of course, but it really helped them add detail to their writing.  Here are a few samples:
This is activity is featured in my farm unit and in this mini camp writing pack!
I used with Cara Carroll's camping unit!
This week we will be working on writing while learning about apples.  I plan to use several of the sheets in this mini writing language pack!! ;) 
Here is a look at what we have done with apples so far:
This morning we practiced reading this poem:
During Work on Writing the students used their NEATEST handwriting to write the poem!! They loved that!! And it helps all students feel successful!
This afternoon during our "normal" writing lesson we came up with words that describe apples:
Then the students sorted the words on to this tree map.

I had to share these Apple Buddies we made on Friday!! I'm still trying  to do a "little" front load Friday!  I got the pattern from Abby HERE but we I decided to do a little creative writing with it instead!!
How do you practice writing in your classroom?  Was I the first to understand the language/ writing common core objectives?

Congratulations!!  I'll send it out soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! I am so excited to be the winner of you fall literacy pack. It will help my little ones! I love your build a sentence activity. Definitely a skill that we need to practice. Thank you for blessing me. Have a great day!
