Thursday, April 26, 2012

Out of this World Space Centers

My students and I are LOVING this space week!!  We have loved learning about the planets.  My students have been using the Vocabulary Cards in the Dictionary Center and the ABC Center this week!  Here are some pictures of their work!!

Dictionary Center
Looking up sun in the dictionary

Looking up moon in the dictionary

You can download this sheet FREE here!!

ABC Order

You can purchase the Vocabulary Cards HERE!

Comparing Planets Using a Venn Diagrams

You can find the Venn Diagram sheet HERE!

I hope everyone is having a great week!! I'm so glad tomorrow is FRIDAY!!  Hope you have a great day!


  1. Teaching dictionary work can be so hard but this looks engaging and fun! I am amazed that your firsties did all of this work. Wow!


    Sprinkle Teaching Magic

  2. This is very impressive Stephanie! I was working with my daughter's second grade class earlier this year, doing beginning dictionary work, and they were clueless! They needed to be in your first grade class last year :)
    Just shows you if you teach it-they can do it! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for the freebies! I just started following you!!

    Lohren Nolan
